50 House of Dragons Inspired Stuffed Animals Names | 2024

Looking for creative and epic names for your stuffed animal dinosaur? Inspired by the legendary dragons of House Targaryen from Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, here are 50 unique names that perfectly capture the essence of your plushie dinosaur. Each name is designed to reflect the distinct characteristics and majestic qualities of these mythical creatures.

Dragon Names from House Of Dragons

1. Drogon

Inspired by the fiercest and most loyal dragon of Daenerys Targaryen, Drogon is perfect for a dino with a strong personality and a protective nature. This name is ideal for a black or dark-colored dinosaur, echoing Drogon's imposing presence and fiery temperament.

2. Rhaegal

A name for a green dinosaur, Rhaegal mirrors the loyal dragon named after Daenerys' brother, Rhaegar Targaryen. This name suits a dino that exudes loyalty, strength, and a calming presence, much like the green dragon who was fiercely protective of his queen.

3. Viserion

An ice dragon-inspired name, Viserion is ideal for a cool blue or white dinosaur. Named after Viserys Targaryen, this name fits a stuffed dino that is both elegant and powerful, embodying the cold, regal presence of the ice-breathing dragon.

4. Syrax

Syrax is a powerful name for a bright and bold stuffed dino. This name suits a dinosaur with a vibrant personality and a commanding presence, much like the dragon of Rhaenyra Targaryen, known for its speed and agility.

5. Caraxes

This name is perfect for a long-necked dino with a striking presence. Caraxes, also known as the Blood Wyrm, was known for its fierce appearance and formidable nature, making it an ideal name for a dinosaur that stands out with its unique features.

6. Meraxes

For a dinosaur that stands out in the crowd with its unique features, Meraxes is an excellent choice. This dragon was one of the three ridden by Aegon the Conqueror and was known for its massive size and strength, making it a fitting name for a plush dino that commands attention.

7. Balerion

A name for the largest and mightiest of your plush collection, Balerion the Black Dread was the most formidable dragon in Westerosi history. This name is perfect for a giant stuffed dinosaur, reflecting its size, power, and legendary status.

Dragon Names | House Of Dragons | Dragon Index

8. Vhagar

Perfect for a dino that has a mysterious and ancient look, Vhagar was one of the original three dragons used by Aegon the Conqueror. This name suits a dinosaur with a dark, enigmatic presence, embodying the ancient and powerful aura of the legendary dragon.

9. Vermithor

Ideal for a dino that's both fierce and wise, Vermithor was known as the Bronze Fury. This name is fitting for a dinosaur with a strong, sturdy build and a wise, regal demeanor, reflecting the dragon's formidable nature and intelligence.

10. Silverwing

A name for a stuffed dinosaur with a light, silvery color, Silverwing was a gentle and loyal dragon. This name suits a dino that is both graceful and strong, embodying the calm and serene nature of the silver dragon.

11. Sunfyre

This name is perfect for a bright yellow or golden dinosaur. Sunfyre the Golden was known for his beautiful golden scales and fiery breath, making it an ideal name for a plush dino that radiates warmth and brilliance.

12. Moondancer

A whimsical name for a pale or white dinosaur, Moondancer was known for her speed and agility. This name suits a small, nimble stuffed dino that is both graceful and swift, embodying the ethereal beauty of the moonlit dragon.

13. Seasmoke

Ideal for a dino with a soft grey or blue hue, Seasmoke was a swift and agile dragon. This name is perfect for a plush dinosaur that exudes calm and tranquility, much like the dragon known for its grace and fluid movements.

14. Cannibal

A quirky name for a dinosaur that loves to "devour" playtime fun, Cannibal was a wild and untamed dragon known for eating other dragons. This name suits a mischievous and adventurous dino with a playful streak.

15. Grey Ghost

A name for a sneaky and stealthy dinosaur, Grey Ghost was known for his elusive nature. This name is ideal for a dino that is quiet and mysterious, embodying the stealthy and ghostly presence of the legendary dragon.

16. Sheepstealer

Perfect for a mischievous dino with a playful streak, Sheepstealer was known for his love of sheep. This name suits a plush dinosaur that is both cunning and playful, reflecting the dragon's mischievous and resourceful nature.

17. Quicksilver

A fast and agile name for a small, sprightly dinosaur, Quicksilver was known for her speed and grace. This name is fitting for a dino that is quick on its feet and full of energy, embodying the swift and elegant nature of the silver dragon.

18. Dreamfyre

A name that’s perfect for a dinosaur with a dreamy and magical appearance, Dreamfyre was known for her beauty and grace. This name suits a plush dino that has a soft, ethereal look, reflecting the enchanting and serene presence of the dragon.

19. Stormcloud

For a dino that’s as mighty and mysterious as a brewing storm, Stormcloud is an ideal name. This name suits a plush dinosaur with a dark, brooding appearance, embodying the powerful and unpredictable nature of a stormy dragon.

20. Firestorm

Ideal for a dinosaur with a fiery personality and bright colors, Firestorm is a name that exudes power and intensity. This name is perfect for a plush dino that is bold and vibrant, reflecting the fierce and blazing presence of a fire-breathing dragon.

21. Nightwing

A name for a dark-colored dino that's mysterious and cool, Nightwing is perfect for a plush dinosaur that embodies the stealthy and enigmatic nature of a nocturnal dragon. This name suits a dino that is both sleek and powerful, with a quiet yet commanding presence.

22. Shadowflame

For a dino with a dark and mystical aura, Shadowflame is an evocative name. This name suits a plush dinosaur with deep, rich colors and a presence that feels both mysterious and powerful, reflecting the enigmatic nature of a dragon that commands shadows and flames.

23. Thunderclap

Perfect for a dino that makes a big impact, Thunderclap is a name that conveys power and authority. This name is ideal for a stuffed dinosaur with a bold, commanding presence, echoing the thunderous might of a legendary dragon.

24. Frostbite

A name for a dinosaur with cool colors and a chilling presence, Frostbite is inspired by the icy breath of dragons. This name suits a plush dino with a serene, frosty appearance, embodying the cold and fierce nature of an ice-breathing dragon.

25. Scorch

For a fiery and intense dinosaur, Scorch is an ideal name. This name suits a plush dino with bright, warm colors and a spirited personality, reflecting the fiery nature and energy of a dragon that can scorch the earth.

26. Blazewing

A name for a dinosaur with vibrant, fiery wings (or imagined wings), Blazewing is perfect for a plush dino that exudes energy and brilliance. This name suits a dino that stands out with its bold colors and dynamic presence, much like a dragon with blazing wings.

27. Zephyr

Ideal for a light and breezy dinosaur, Zephyr is a name that conveys swiftness and grace. This name suits a plush dino that is nimble and airy, reflecting the gentle and swift nature of a wind-borne dragon.

28. Brimstone

For a dinosaur with a rugged, earthy appearance, Brimstone is an evocative name. This name suits a plush dino with deep, rich colors and a sturdy build, reflecting the tough and fiery nature of a dragon born of the earth and flame.

29. Ember

A name for a small, warm-colored dinosaur, Ember is perfect for a plush dino that radiates warmth and charm. This name suits a dino that has a gentle, glowing presence, embodying the soft and enduring nature of a glowing ember.

30. Inferno

For a dino with a blazing and fierce personality, Inferno is an ideal name. This name suits a plush dinosaur that is bold and intense, reflecting the fiery and unstoppable nature of a dragon engulfed in flames.

31. Smoky

A name for a dinosaur with a mysterious and soft appearance, Smoky is perfect for a plush dino that exudes calm and enigma. This name suits a dino with a gentle, muted color palette, embodying the quiet and mystical nature of a dragon hidden in the mist.

32. Pyro

Perfect for a small, energetic dinosaur, Pyro is a name that conveys excitement and energy. This name suits a plush dino that is full of life and spunk, reflecting the lively and dynamic nature of a fire-starting dragon.

33. Eclipse

A name for a dark and majestic dinosaur, Eclipse is ideal for a plush dino with a deep, rich color scheme. This name suits a dino that has a mysterious and powerful presence, embodying the rare and awe-inspiring nature of a celestial event.

34. Stormbreaker

For a dinosaur that stands strong and mighty, Stormbreaker is a fitting name. This name suits a plush dino with a bold and commanding presence, reflecting the powerful and resilient nature of a dragon that can control storms.

35. Glacier

A name for a cool-colored and serene dinosaur, Glacier is perfect for a plush dino that exudes calm and strength. This name suits a dino with a frosty, steady demeanor, embodying the formidable and unyielding nature of an ice dragon.

36. Tempest

Perfect for a wild and energetic dinosaur, Tempest is a name that conveys chaos and power. This name suits a plush dino that is full of energy and movement, reflecting the turbulent and unpredictable nature of a stormy dragon.

37. Cinder

A name for a small, warm-colored dinosaur, Cinder is ideal for a plush dino that exudes warmth and quiet strength. This name suits a dino that has a gentle, glowing presence, embodying the soft and enduring nature of a glowing cinder.

38. Blizzard

For a dinosaur with a cool and fierce appearance, Blizzard is a fitting name. This name suits a plush dino with a light, frosty color scheme, reflecting the cold and powerful nature of a dragon that can summon blizzards.

39. Phantom

A name for a mysterious and elusive dinosaur, Phantom is perfect for a plush dino that has a quiet and enigmatic presence. This name suits a dino with a dark, muted color palette, embodying the stealthy and ghostly nature of a shadowy dragon.

40. Titan

For a dinosaur that is large and powerful, Titan is an ideal name. This name suits a plush dino with a strong and commanding presence, reflecting the immense strength and majesty of a legendary dragon.

41. Starfire

Perfect for a bright and radiant dinosaur, Starfire is a name that conveys brilliance and energy. This name suits a plush dino that is full of light and sparkle, reflecting the dazzling and fiery nature of a celestial dragon.

42. Obsidian

A name for a dark and sleek dinosaur, Obsidian is ideal for a plush dino with a glossy, mysterious appearance. This name suits a dino that has a deep, rich color scheme, embodying the sharp and powerful nature of a dragon with scales of black glass.

43. Aurora

For a dinosaur with a magical and colorful appearance, Aurora is a fitting name. This name suits a plush dino that exudes beauty and enchantment, reflecting the vibrant and mesmerizing nature of a dragon that can create northern lights.

44. Comet

A name for a swift and energetic dinosaur, Comet is perfect for a plush dino that is full of movement and energy. This name suits a dino that has a bright, dynamic presence, embodying the fast and dazzling nature of a celestial dragon.

45. Thunder

Perfect for a bold and powerful dinosaur, Thunder is a name that conveys strength and authority. This name suits a plush dino with a commanding presence, reflecting the loud and unstoppable nature of a dragon that can control storms.

46. Cosmos

A name for a dinosaur with a vast and mysterious appearance, Cosmos is ideal for a plush dino that exudes wonder and majesty. This name suits a dino with a dark, starry color scheme, embodying the infinite and awe-inspiring nature of a dragon that spans the universe.

47. Emberwing

For a small and warm-colored dinosaur, Emberwing is a fitting name. This name suits a plush dino that has a gentle, glowing presence, reflecting the soft and enduring nature of a dragon with fiery wings.

48. Myst

A name for a mysterious and serene dinosaur, Myst is perfect for a plush dino that exudes calm and enigma. This name suits a dino with a gentle, muted color palette, embodying the quiet and mystical nature of a dragon hidden in the mist.

49. Crimson

For a bold and striking dinosaur, Crimson is an ideal name. This name suits a plush dino with a deep, rich color scheme, reflecting the fierce and powerful nature of a red dragon.

50. Wyrm

A name that harks back to ancient dragon legends, Wyrm is perfect for a dinosaur with a timeless and majestic appearance. This name suits a plush dino that exudes wisdom and strength, embodying the legendary and powerful nature of a mythical dragon.


These names are not only imaginative and creative but also evoke the grandeur and mythical qualities of dragons. Whether you're naming a plushie dinosaur, looking for creative names for toy dinosaurs, or simply fascinated by the world of dragons, these names are sure to inspire awe and wonder. Let your plushie dinosaur embark on epic adventures with its majestic and legendary name!

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